
L'Avventura senza fine I, Series of 8 b/w panorama photographs on Alu Dibond, 153 x 64 cm, framed, 2000

L’Avventura senza fine

Se­ries of 8 b/w panorama pho­tographs, 153 x 64 cm, 2000

The un­in­hab­ited ae­o­lian is­land Lisca Bianca was the key lo­ca­tion of Michelan­gelo An­to­nioni’s movie L‘Avven­tura in 1960. A story about a young woman who dis­ap­pears from the is­land with no ex­pla­na­tion. Fischer & el Sani pasted posters of this miss­ing char­ac­ter around the is­land and took panoramic pho­tos on lo­ca­tion. A search for a miss­ing, fic­tive char­ac­ter in a real place.
Under Fischer and el Sani's scrutiny, absence is a creative, almost mischievous force, capable of not only renewing our relation to the past but also influencing the present in ways we cannot fathom. Since Antonioni literally banished Anna from the screen, his film implied that a woman who wants both independence and love simply cannot exist. By putting Anna back into the scenery of the film, if only on paper, Fischer and el Sani seem to suggest that she is still looking for a screen that could contain her story. The only explanation provided by the artists came in the form of excerpts from a travelogue, which documented an altogether unexpected encounter. While the pair were completing their project, not Anna, but Antonioni showed up for a celebration in honour of the film's fortieth anniversary. When the artists asked the director what had really happened to Anna, he replied that he didn't have a clue.


  • L'Avventura senza fine II, Series of 8 b/w panorama photographs on Alu Dibond, 153 x 64 cm, framed, 2000
  • L'Avventura senza fine III, Series of 8 b/w panorama photographs on Alu Dibond, 153 x 64 cm, framed, 2000
  • L'Avventura senza fine IV, Series of 8 b/w panorama photographs on Alu Dibond, 153 x 64 cm, framed, 2000
  • L'Avventura senza fine V, Series of 8 b/w panorama photographs on Alu Dibond, 153 x 64 cm, framed, 2000
  • L'Avventura senza fine VI, Series of 8 b/w panorama photographs on Alu Dibond, 153 x 64 cm, framed, 2000
  • L'Avventura senza fine VII, Series of 8 b/w panorama photographs on Alu Dibond, 153 x 64 cm, framed, 2000
  • L'Avventura senza fine, VIII, Series of 8 b/w panorama photographs on Alu Dibond, 153 x 64 cm, framed, 2000

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